Runner Information

Bib143 - Wendy Jaglowski
Status: Started
Pocatello, ID 47 F Total Time: 29:22:51 Full Race


9/30/2023 9:43:45 am

You’re so close!!! Can’t wait to see when you’re across the finish line!!!🦄❤️🌈

9/30/2023 9:38:40 am

You are killing it!! Woot! Woot! So proud of you!

9/30/2023 7:42:21 am

Ranger Creek not far away!!! 243 means we Love you! 143 your number is special to us!!! You too!!! So proud of your example and accomplishments. Such a great example. Been following you all night! You're not alone that's for sure. Dan and Tammy

9/30/2023 7:07:07 am

YES!!! SO FABULOUS...last leg!!!

9/30/2023 2:42:03 am

It's now 2:39 a.m. you got this. We're so amazed at your progress and sending vibes of love from heaven above. You're not alone! Keep digging deep. Dan Hobbs. :)

9/29/2023 11:26:01 pm

You got this!!! So exilerating seeing your progress! Keep it up.

9/29/2023 11:21:46 pm

You are looking so strong. Keep up the great work. Atta girl

9/29/2023 11:13:13 pm

Tammy and I are tracking you. You are absolutely amazing. You go girl!!! This is incredible!!!

9/29/2023 7:31:45 pm

You are amazing!!! Cheering for you!

9/29/2023 6:33:58 pm

You’re looking awesome Wendy!! Cheering you on from Oregon!!


Tree lined Canopy to the finish line
Sunrise outside of Beaver Creek

Aid Station Records

Bib143 - Wendy Jaglowski
AS 1:LOP to 1:LOP - Bib143
8:46:01 am 9/29/2023
8:46:01 am 9/29/2023

AS 2:LEH to 2:LEH - Bib143
10:38:43 am 9/29/2023
... ...
216.56 Days or 5197.40 Hours
Prev. IN: 10:36:43 29 Sep. Prev. IN: 10:45:03 29 Sep. Seq:144

AS 3:URH to 3:URH - Bib143
12:51:09 pm 9/29/2023
12:53:08 pm 9/29/2023
1.98 Minutes

AS 4:RHF to 4:RHF - Bib143
2:53:00 pm 9/29/2023
2:57:00 pm 9/29/2023
4.00 Minutes

AS 5:TEF to 5:TEF - Bib143
4:48:06 pm 9/29/2023
4:50:06 pm 9/29/2023
2.00 Minutes

AS 6:TOG to 6:TOG - Bib143
6:52:24 pm 9/29/2023
7:00:00 pm 9/29/2023
7.60 Minutes

AS 7:FRB to 7:FRB - Bib143
10:06:22 pm 9/29/2023
10:14:33 pm 9/29/2023
8.18 Minutes

AS 8:LOR to 8:LOR - Bib143
1:12:37 am 9/30/2023
1:14:53 am 9/30/2023
2.27 Minutes

AS 9:BEM to 9:BEM - Bib143
3:18:37 am 9/30/2023
3:18:37 am 9/30/2023

AS 10:GIB to 10:GIB - Bib143
5:11:47 am 9/30/2023
5:11:47 am 9/30/2023

AS 11:BCC to 11:BCC - Bib143
6:28:02 am 9/30/2023
6:30:32 am 9/30/2023
2.50 Minutes

AS 12:RAD to 12:RAD - Bib143
8:55:08 am 9/30/2023
8:56:05 am 9/30/2023
57.00 Seconds

Leg Length

Bib143 - Wendy Jaglowski
Leg 0:STA to 1:LOP - Bib143
6:00:00 am 9/29/2023
8:46:01 am 9/29/2023
2.77 Hours

Leg 1:LOP to 2:LEH - Bib143
8:46:01 am 9/29/2023
10:38:43 am 9/29/2023
1.88 Hours

Leg 2:LEH to 3:URH - Bib143
12:51:09 pm 9/29/2023
12:51:09 pm 9/29/2023
Forced entry of the leg record. Unknown start time.

Leg 3:URH to 4:RHF - Bib143
12:53:08 pm 9/29/2023
2:53:00 pm 9/29/2023
2.00 Hours

Leg 4:RHF to 5:TEF - Bib143
2:57:00 pm 9/29/2023
4:48:06 pm 9/29/2023
1.85 Hours

Leg 5:TEF to 6:TOG - Bib143
4:50:06 pm 9/29/2023
6:52:24 pm 9/29/2023
2.04 Hours

Leg 6:TOG to 7:FRB - Bib143
7:00:00 pm 9/29/2023
10:06:22 pm 9/29/2023
3.11 Hours
Forced entry of the leg record. Unknown start time.

Leg 7:FRB to 8:LOR - Bib143
10:14:33 pm 9/29/2023
1:12:37 am 9/30/2023
2.97 Hours

Leg 8:LOR to 9:BEM - Bib143
1:14:53 am 9/30/2023
3:18:37 am 9/30/2023
2.06 Hours

Leg 9:BEM to 10:GIB - Bib143
3:18:37 am 9/30/2023
5:11:47 am 9/30/2023
1.89 Hours
Forced entry of the leg record. Unknown start time.

Leg 10:GIB to 11:BCC - Bib143
5:11:47 am 9/30/2023
6:28:02 am 9/30/2023
1.27 Hours

Leg 11:BCC to 12:RAD - Bib143
6:30:32 am 9/30/2023
8:55:08 am 9/30/2023
2.41 Hours

Leg 12:RAD to 13:FIN - Bib143
8:56:05 am 9/30/2023
11:22:51 am 9/30/2023
2.45 Hours